Summer Camp 2022
Get 'em outdoors & enjoying nature

Having Fun with Friends 
Learning New Skills 
Building Confidence

It's been a challenging time, & we know that the kids are ready for a break & simply want to have fun with friends. 

Earthwork Programs gets kids outdoors & learning new skills. Now, more than ever, kids need to de-stress & to build confidence in a fun, safe environment. 

We have been safely running outdoor camps for more than 20 years & have met the State Board of Health guidelines for safety.


making cordage summer camp

Enjoy the Outdoors

Learn New Skills

Build Confidence

Kids gain confidence, comfort & belonging in the woods

unplugged & immersed in nature.

All Summer Programs are in Conway, MA

Ages 5 & 6 

July 5-8 (Tue-Fri)

July 11-15

July 25-29

August 15-19

Ages 7+

June 20-24
June 27-July1
July 5-8 (Tue-Fri) 

July 11-15 (ALMOST FULL)

July 18-22 

July 25-29

August 1-5

August 8-12 

August 15-19

August 22-26 

All At Home in the Woods Camps are Monday-Friday, 9 am to 3 pm (unless noted)

Early-Bird pricing starts @ $400/child/week (ends April 30)


What people are saying...


I LOVE Earthwork Programs!

Susan Clark - Mother

I LOVE Earthwork Programs! Frank connects with children in such a profound and loving way. I watched our son respond to the gentleness by reflecting it, he demonstrated an increased awareness of his surroundings and a strong love for learning new skills.


I have seen amazing transformation happen

Catherine Risigo-Wickline - Occupational Therapist / Mother

I have seen amazing transformation happen with children who increase their outdoor playtime decreased endurance screen time ! Truthfully it’s not hard to get the children off screen time once they get addicted to enjoying your time and that’s what could happen I participating in the EarthWork Program.

favorite camp activities

  • I loved Making fire by rubbing sticks together
  • Learning to carve with a knife was amazing
  • I made a coal-burning & making a wooden spoon
  • coal-burning & making a wooden spoon
  • Learn to identify wild edible plants
  • playing cool games like Camouflage, The Hunted & more
  • Learning how to track animals
  • learning to use a knife safely
  • Learn What To Do When You're “Lost”
  • Learning To Make Cordage With Plants
  • Crafting tools, playing group games, animal tracking

  • Catching frogs
  • Every Week is a NEW Experience for your kids.
  • Parents love how Our mentoring approach creates lifelong learners by asking the kids, “What are your PASSIONS?”
  • campers build on these passions and co-create a powerful week that they share as an extended family
  • campers continue coming back year after year

Summer Programs fill Fast - Don't Wait!

These Camps comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and are licensed by the Conway Board of Health.
