Learning & Practicing Wilderness Skills while Learning How to Peer Mentor
June 24-28, 2024
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Conway, MA
For Preteens & Teens
$480 Early Bird to $530 Regular, nonrefundable deposit due upon registration
(Early-Bird pricing ends April 1)
Mentoring is much more than simply teaching knowledge or skills. As peer mentors, preteens and teens will lead younger participants to conclusions through the art of questioning. They spark passion, develop the need and/or desire to know, ask leading questions and then offer resources to gain answers and understanding.
Prior to the LIT Program, Frank requests that LITs prepare a Letter of Intention; in this letter, LITs are asked to explain the following:
- why they want to be at this particular Program
- how they planning on contributing to others' learning
- what gifts they have to share
- AND if possible, attach a photograph of the LIT doing something in nature...
On the last day of the LIT week, the LITs will be invited to demonstrate their willingness to be an LIT and mentor and to show what skills they learned and how they can integrate them...it can be something they crafted, wrote, a video, a lesson plan. Frank will discuss this more on the first day of the Program.
Upon completion of the LIT Program, participants are assessed and may have the opportunity to attend any or all At Home in the Woods Camps as an LIT for half price! There are LIMITED spots for LITs at each At Home in the Woods week (ONLY 2/WEEK RECEIVE LIT DISCOUNT)…so be sure to register early!
Things Past LITs Have Said about Being a Leader in Training:
Teamwork was fun (and clearly important), whether it was for cutting down a tree or building a shelter.
As an LIT, it was great to work with the younger kids and have them look up to me. If you teach them to love nature at this early age - they'll have that for the rest of their lives.
I’m also looking forward to learning new skills at any time, as well teaching others the ones I know.
I have thoroughly enjoyed it in the past, look forward to learning more skills, and want to help others have the experiences I have had in the past.
I will help others learn by adjusting to their needs, trying to connect with them more personally, and being open to going out of my comfort zone to help others.
I wish to contribute to other people's learning by: if someone is struggling with something show them again how to do it, teach others cool ways to do one chore or project and inspire other campers to create something while at this camp.
I have many gifts to share some of the are physical and some are mental. Here are a few of my gifts I could share: my skill with cordage, my sense of humor my knowledge of plants and camouflage.
I think this camp is unique in the way that you and other counselors have so much trust in people that you barely know and trust us with many many important things.
The gift I have to share is that I am comfortable speaking to others.
I plan on contributing to others learning by sharing my knowledge of tracking, knife safety, fox walking fire, and animals sign such as scat, tracks, and a little bit of bird language.
I have been a camper at Earthworks for many years and I want to take it a step further by being an LIT.
There have been so many people that have taught me, I can use their influence to help me teach others.