This is a series of experiential workshops that teach participants how to begin to live with nature in a way that works to benefit both us and our environment.

Learn how to make a fire—without matches—and warm natural shelters. Discover the ways of tracking wildlife and create native crafts that enhance our connection to our hearts and our hands. We will have time to play, explore, learn and gain new skills.

If you are looking to connect with yourself, others and the Earth in a powerful way while learning real skills of survival and aboriginal living, join us and become part of the Earthwork family.

The Art of Fire
Learn the art of making fire, without matches…

Lostproofing and the Art of Shelter
Build a shelter with natural materials and make cordage with natural fibers.

Seeing through the Eyes of Animals…Introduction to Tracking
Learn the 6 arts of tracking; gain skills in interpreting the stories that surround us.

Wild Food Immersion Series
Learn how to identify, process, prepare, cook, preserve and eat on the spot.

Trapping–The Sacred Harvest
From the 3 foundational traps you’ll learn at this Workshop, you will have everything you need in order to learn the skills of trapping. This will help develop knife skills and learn how to harvest your materials in a sacred manner.

Learn to Field Dress an Animal
Learn this skill of how to create a deeper connection like our hunter-gatherer ancestors, which is our genetic makeup of human beings. The animals used in this class will have lost their lives on the road, and we will learn to honor these beings by learning these skills and telling new stories.

WHO: Adults, Families, Teens
WHERE: Anywhere in the Hilltowns and Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts
WHEN: CONTACT US to find out when these Workshops will be on the Calendar again!
HOW MUCH: $50/adult/workshop, $30/child w/adult/workshop prepaid (add $10/person if pay day of)

