Dear Parent(s):
Below are two sets of questions: a. Heron for ages 7+ and b. Swift Eagle for preteens and teens.
Please discuss these questions with your child and then send responses to frank @
We will get an indication of how familiar your child will be initially with the educational approaches and techniques of our Earthwork Programs classes. It will also help us to determine if our Program is an appropriate place for each applicant. We are not concerned with comparing your child to anyone else with these questions; we are simply trying to gauge, very roughly, how effective our Program would be for your child. There are no right or wrong answers…
HERON (ages 7+)
What level of supervision is your child accustomed to in the woods? At school? At home?
How comfortable is your child with reading? What is his/her level of interest in reading?
How comfortable is your child with writing, particularly as a method of communication and self-expression? What is her/his level of interest in writing?
How would you describe your child’s level of self-motivation towards exploring topics of interest to him/her?
How well does he/she work independently at projects, research studies or practicing skills?
How well does your child work with peers?
How would you describe your child’s attention to personal safety and risk-taking?
Has your child ever kissed a frog? Why not? Or conversely, what possessed him/her to do that?
SWIFT EAGLE (preteen & teens)
What level of supervision is your child accustomed to in the woods? At school? At home?
Has your child read “My Side of the Mountain,” “Hatchet,” “Journey: Based on the True Story of OR7, the Most Famous Wolf in the West” or any other rites-of-passage wilderness books?
During Swift Eagle, we document the process of learning in the Journal; how comfortable is your child with writing, particularly as a method of communication and self-expression? What is her/his level of interest in writing?
How would you describe your child’s level of self-motivation towards exploring topics of interest to him/her?
How well does he/she work independently at projects, research studies or practicing skills?
How well does your child work with peers? Is he/she a leader? Follower? Someone who feels comfortable sharing ideas?
Is your child coachable? Is she/he open to new ideas and exploration of self-discovery? Give an example
How would you describe your child’s attention to personal safety and risk-taking?
Has your child been part of a leadership track where they have developed mentoring skills? Is that an interest she/he has?