February 1


Why You Should Learn How to Build a Wilderness Survival Shelter to enhance your Bushcraft skills

In a wilderness survival scenario, do you know the number one thing you need to survive?  A wilderness survival shelter should be a top priority.  Read on to find out why.

Link to blog and course on How to Build a Wilderness Survival Shelter

If you are lost in the woods, can you survive? Do you have the right wilderness survival training

Lost hiker needs wilderness survival shelter

When you think of people who lost their lives in a scenario where they were lost in the woods, why do you think they perished?  Was it due to starvation or dehydration?  Barring a horrific accident scenario, the truth is that most people perish due to lack of shelter from the elements.

A wilderness shelter is an often overlooked, yet crucial element of your ability to survive an overnight in the woods.  To be prepared for an emergency, one must be aware of the rule of threes.  You can survive for about three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food.

Why is a wilderness shelter such a crucial element?

If you have lost your way in the woods, you may need to spend the night – or even several nights – in the wilderness.  Spending time in the elements without shelter is not only miserable – it is also deadly. One of the biggest risks to a person lost in the wilderness is hypothermia – which can even occur on a summer night.

Exposure to the elements inhibits both your body and your mind, as it affects your dexterity and your decision-making ability.  Being exposed to the cold, dampness, wild animals or heat will most certainly reduce your chances of survival.  When these go to extremes – think blizzards, downpours or floods, attacks or heat waves – your chances of survival decrease down to almost zero.  These conditions can kill you within hours if you don’t know how to create a wilderness survival shelter to protect yourself from the elements.

Wilderness Survival Shelter

Get your FREE Download for how to build wilderness survival shelter checklist today!


In a 2003 study of deaths occurring in lost dementia patients, the most common cause of death reported was exposure, which occurred in nearly 70% of the cases.  An unsheltered person can succumb to hypothermia in a very short period of time.  In hypothermia, your body loses more heat than it creates, which can happen even if it is not winter!  This will lead to a shutdown of the circulatory system and eventually results in death.

In addition to the protection from the elements a survival shelter can give you, it can also give you a sense of well-being and help you maintain your will to survive.  A safe shelter to sleep in will help you combat fatigue, helping you maintain a clear mind and a positive mindset for survival!

In Conclusion

Given how deadly exposure to the elements can be, you now know why having the skills to build a wilderness survival shelter are essential to your survival.  Whether you are planning an overnight hike in the forest or just want to be ready for an unexpected emergency, everyone should learn the bushcraft skill of gathering materials and building a wilderness survival shelter.

A good wilderness survival shelter will act as a microclimate, protecting you from sweltering sun, chilling winds and low temperatures, soaking rains, and predators.

For a great tutorial on how to build a wilderness survival shelter, click below for a great course on How to Build a Wilderness Survival Debris Hut Shelter!!

Link to How to Build a Wilderness Shelter course


